Monday, June 30, 2008


I absolutlely love Google Reader. It brings all of my favorite web pages, blogs, news sources, and comics to one central site. The only complaint I have is that it doesn't have a built-in comments section. I know that you can share things with a note... but notes suck. You can't reply, unless you make another note... and it is hard for people to follow the conversation.

I did quick search on Google to see if anyone else had had this problem and did something about it. I found a few people who agree with me, but no one has made a solution. So I decided to give it a try.

Introducing OmniMents!(name subject to change)

This is a very early version of a Google Reader Commenting System. And I mean early. This is basically a proof of concept, but I am a strong believer of release early, release often. So I am releasing at the earliest possible moment and I will try to add at least one feature a week. (We will see how long that last.)

Installing OmniMents:
  1. First you need firefox:
  2. Then you need GreaseMonkey:
  3. Once GreaseMonkey is installed, restart firefox. Then right click on the little monkey on the bottom right hand corner. Go to "New User Script." You should see something like this:
  4. Make sure the includes is: "*"
  5. Once you choose your favorite text editor then copy this into the script:
    // ==UserScript==
    // @name Google Reader OmniMents Link
    // @description Adds a OmniMent to the end of the action row
    // @namespace
    // @include*
    // @include*
    // ==/UserScript==

    var entries=document.getElementById("entries");
    entries.addEventListener('DOMNodeInserted', function(event){nodeInserted(event);},true);

    function nodeInserted(event){
    if ("DIV"){
    if ( === "entry-actions"){
    // List mode
    } else if ( &&"card"){
    // Expanded mode
    } else

    var parent= linkbar;
    while (parent.tagName != "TBODY") {
    parent= parent.parentNode;

    var link = parent.getElementsByClassName("entry-title-link")[0].getAttribute('href');
    var site = parent.getElementsByClassName("entry-source-title-parent")[0].getElementsByTagName("A")[0].firstChild.nodeValue;
    var title = parent.getElementsByClassName("entry-title-link")[0].firstChild.nodeValue;

    link = "" + link
    var span = document.createElement("span");
    span.className = "OmniMents";
    var a_link = document.createElement("a");
    a_link.href = link;
    a_link.title = "OmniMents For: " + title;
    a_link.setAttribute('style','text-decoration:none;padding-right:10px;margin-right:10px; background: center right no-repeat;');
  6. Then go to Google Reader and OmniMents should be in your action bar:

Clicking on the OmniMents link will take you to a comments page just for that URL. It should make you login the first time you try to post a comment. (It throws an error after logging in, but if you hit back twice it should all be good from there. I will fix the error tonight!)

Let me know any features you want added and any problems you have in the comments!
